IT-Strategie Beratung Headerbild

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

The central task of IT is to support business processes in a demand-oriented, cost-efficient and secure manner. The IT strategy describes the ways to achieve this goal and ensures that the desired changes are implemented in a holistic manner. 

In this way, suitable technical solutions and IT services are to be defined for business-critical processes, and efficient and secure IT operation is to be guaranteed in the long term.

Support your business goals optimally with a clear IT strategy

Event Analysis: Looking Back
  • What path has the company taken so far?
  • Which strategies have proven successful and which have not?
Benchmarking: Looking sideways
  • Where does the competition stand?
  • What recognisable strategies are the competitors pursuing?
Present Analysis: The View from Above
  • Analysis of the overall market in which the organisation operates.
  • Analysis including system environments, such as sociological and macroeconomic trends
Structural analysis: the view from below
  • Analysis of the company's sales and cost data: What sales are made in which markets? What costs do the sales represent?
  • Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation: What are we strong in? What do we need to develop further in? How can we do this with the resources available? If necessary, do we need additional resources and what ways could there be to obtain them?
Scenarios: Looking ahead

Which different scenarios result from the analysis so far for the future development of the

  • of the markets and
  • of the organisation?
Creativity: Looking beyond

Obtain answers to the following questions with the help of creativity techniques:

  • What further developments (in the environments, in the organisation itself) are conceivable but currently not predictable?
  • What conclusions can be drawn from this for the developments of one's own core strategy?

  • Performance in focus:

    Companies can no longer compete successfully without IT, and public administration is also dependent on IT. The IT strategy must reflect the growing demands on IT, especially with regard to the digital transformation, the cultural change in work and the increasing cybercrime.

  • Binding target picture:

    Derived from the corporate strategy, the IT strategy summarises the medium- to long-term goals and design fields for the IT of a company/authority in a binding manner. It also defines measures to track the implementation of the IT strategy, to constantly review the strategic orientation and to flexibly adapt to changing conditions if necessary.

  • Holistic view:

    An IT strategy should sufficiently take into account all relevant parameters (corporate goals, established processes along the value chain, existing resources and technologies, ongoing projects, customer and supplier requirements, organisational and technological developments, etc.).

We find your individual IT strategy

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Teaserbild zu IT-Strategie Beratung

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

Teaserbild zu IT-Strategie Beratung

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.

Teaserbild IT Service Management Beratung

IT Service Management – Optimal support for IT processes

IT should be customer and service oriented. We help you implement effective and efficient IT service management

Teaserbild IT Service Management Beratung

IT Service Management – Optimal support for IT processes

IT should be customer and service oriented. We help you implement effective and efficient IT service management

Teaserbild IT Service Management Beratung

IT Service Management – Optimal support for IT processes

IT should be customer and service oriented. We help you implement effective and efficient IT service management

Navigationsbilc zu Application Development

Application Development

Application Development refers to the process of modifying, designing and/or developing one or more applications. Gaps in the software landscape can be closed by tailoring applications individually to the customer.

Navigationsbilc zu Application Development

Application Development

Application Development refers to the process of modifying, designing and/or developing one or more applications. Gaps in the software landscape can be closed by tailoring applications individually to the customer.

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.