Cloud-native architecture and architecture modernisation

Digital services require expert architecture work. Service quality, availability, stability and connections with neighbouring ecosystems are just the tip of the iceberg that customers see when they use your services.

The cloud architecture mission

Assessment and modernisation of existing architectures with the goal of becoming cloud-ready

Establishment of cloud-native architectures and alignment of business goals in the context of greenfield projects

Focus of architecture decisions on the platform and technology strategy

The most important pillars of a cloud architecture that’s fit for the future

Our IT architects have a wide variety of tools at their disposal, focusing on collaborative and standardised procedures that are established worldwide in the field of cloud architecture.

Domain-driven design (strategic and tactical)

Procedure following the iSAQB philosophy

Stakeholder-friendly architecture documentation in line with the ARC42 standard

Analysis and optimisation of IT-supported business processes (event storming)

Analysis and optimisation of development, delivery and operation processes (event storming)

Alignment and evolution of team interactions and DevOps processes (team topologies)

Modernisation of existing architectures (strangler fig pattern)

Set-up of quality trees and scenarios/KPIs and derivation of measures (technological, organisational)

Consideration of established cloud-service models (IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS) in your own data centre or in the public cloud
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Cloud native architecture

Digital services require a high level of maturity in architectural work! Service quality, availability, stability and connectivity with adjacent ecosystems are the tip of the iceberg, which is significantly perceived by your customers when using your services.


Cloud platforms and automation technology

Lost in the jungle of possibilities? We help with the selection and implementation of modern cloud Platforms and cloud technologies.


Cloud platforms and automation technology

Lost in the jungle of possibilities? We help with the selection and implementation of modern cloud Platforms and cloud technologies.

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Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.


Digitalization and cloud transformation

We adjust the levers of your individual digitalization initiative for speed, adaptability, security and compliance!


Digitalization and cloud transformation

We adjust the levers of your individual digitalization initiative for speed, adaptability, security and compliance!

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IT modernization

Whether it is about the development of company-wide digitalization strategies, the agile development of high-quality software or the successful, holistic transformation into the cloud - whenever companies want to modernize their IT, ARS Computer and Consulting is the right partner.

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Software Engineering

Software engineering is the art of creating good software. Software engineering is the discipline of creating your digital products using methods proven by science and practice.

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IT modernization

Whether it is about the development of company-wide digitalization strategies, the agile development of high-quality software or the successful, holistic transformation into the cloud - whenever companies want to modernize their IT, ARS Computer and Consulting is the right partner.

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Software Engineering

Software engineering is the art of creating good software. Software engineering is the discipline of creating your digital products using methods proven by science and practice.


Digital Architecture

In order to survive in a dynamic and highly competitive market, you need to be able to adapt your business processes, products and services quickly and efficiently to the needs and expectations of your customers. The architecture of your IT systems plays a decisive role in this. A digital architecture is a holistic and flexible design of the IT landscape that supports the integration of data, applications and services across different platforms and applications and promotes the innovation, agility and scalability of your company.


Digital Architecture

In order to survive in a dynamic and highly competitive market, you need to be able to adapt your business processes, products and services efficiently to the needs and expectations of your customers

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Gain visibility into your cloud costs and sustainably reduce them by applying best practices from FinOps.

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Gain visibility into your cloud costs and sustainably reduce them by applying best practices from FinOps.

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Gain visibility into your cloud costs and sustainably reduce them by applying best practices from FinOps.

Headerbild zu IBM Decision Optimization

Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

Headerbild zu IBM Decision Optimization

Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

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Paths to the cloud for insurers

Cloud ist die Blaupause für eine moderne Nutzung von IT-Ressourcen. Doch traditionell scheuen viele Versicherer den Weg in die Cloud. Befürchtet werden Kontrollverlust oder fehlende Sicherheit für vertrauliche Daten. Doch all dies sind Themen, die technisch und organisatorisch gelöst sind. Es überwiegen die Vorzüge einer flexiblen und kostengünstigen Architektur.