Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Industry

We combine technology, knowledge and people to ensure future-proof and competitive processes in logistics and transport.

Digitization and transparency in transport & logistics is more important than ever!

Logistics and transport is one of the key industries for the German economy. At the latest when "download" is not an option, when the supply chain - the global supply chains - are disrupted, logistics hits the headlines.

Whether transport, warehouse or contract logistics: the tasks in logistics are diverse and require maximum flexibility while constantly balancing costs and performance. Capacities in the form of people and materials are limited, requirements for reliability, punctuality and transparency are increasing and costs cannot be passed on completely to customers. 

  • Digitization and transparency of processes as well as automated support for optimization can help logistics companies better manage the balancing act between costs and performance in order to act as a valuable partner to the economy in the long term. 

Master the requirements!

The requirements in the transport and logistics industry are varied and characterized in particular by the high complexity and interaction of many factors. Technologies help to reduce this complexity and make your processes more efficient.

Icon zu Intelligentes Dokumentenmanagement
Icon zu Effektive Personaleinsatzplanung
Icon zu Maximale Touren- und Ladungsoptimierung
Icon zu Transparenz
Document Management

Are you also facing these challenges?

  • Many documents are still in paper form, which leads to media discontinuities
  • These media discontinuities prevent a transparent and efficient flow of information from being created
  • Your employees need a lot of manual effort to process various requests
  • This leads to poor and cumbersome service

Intelligent document management

Reduce your manual effort and ensure data exchange without media breaks.

  • AI-supported, automated recognition and processing of textual information makes processing faster and more effective
  • Consistent digitization of all information prevents media breaks
  • All necessary information is provided centrally and virtually
Learn more about document management:
Transparent information flow is one of the key processes within logistics. Media disruptions and paper form determine the exchange of data between the various players, e.g. between customer and carrier, customs and freight forwarder, shipping documents or delivery bills. This weakness leads to unnecessary manual work, intransparency and errors. The situation is different with the intelligent capture of document data and its automated further processing: so-called, software-based "intelligent automats" are used to eliminate media discontinuities (for example, in the text recognition of freight documents, delivery bills and invoices and their digital further processing). These automats are first trained on the basis of the technical background, as with a new employee. Using examples, the machine learns the technical context, positioning in the document and the interrelationships - similar to humans. After a training phase, the automat will also recognize new patterns independently and thus understand increasingly larger contexts. In this way, the basis is laid for the central provision of all necessary information, the manual effort is drastically reduced and certain activities, e.g. quotation preparation, are automated.
Staff scheduling

Are you also facing these challenges?

  • Due to the complexity of many factors, your planning is very (time) consuming and imprecise
  • Often the staffing level does not correspond to the demand, which is often also favoured by spontaneous developments
  • Your manual effort in planning in decentralized systems is very high
  • You lack transparency in planning

Effective workforce management

Automate your processes and make them efficient, e.g. for task distribution and absences.

  • Network all relevant influencing factors to plan optimal staff deployment
  • Reduce complexity and create transparency
  • (Partial) automation of planning using mathematical methods facilitates planning processes
Learn more about workforce planning:
Intelligent workforce planning ensures networking of all influencing factors relevant for workforce planning in a specific case. The prerequisite is the digital availability of the relevant factors. With the help of a combination ("integration") of the factors, transparency is first created about the available variables in order to then realize the best possible and up-to-date deployment of employees on a daily basis using mathematical methods, e.g. forecasting or optimization, independent of time and location. At the same time, the analytics approach enables the automation of a wide range of processes such as task distribution and corrections in the event of absences and the billing of work actually performed according to individual factors such as salaries, holiday regulations and more.
Tour and load optimization

Are you also facing these challenges?

  • Many factors determine the route: travel time, capacity of the vehicle, driving and rest times, if applicable, limited delivery times.
  • Complexity of planning: the order of the route influences the load and vice versa 
  • You want to utilize your fleet efficiently while minimizing CO2/fuel/time

Maximum route and load optimization

Take into account all relevant factors and ensure networking and consolidation in the planning context.

  • Benefit from transparency and digital availability of all processes and influencing factors 
  • Use mathematical algorithms to determine the optimal route and loading 
Learn more about tour and warehouse optimization:
Route optimization is an elementary component of logistics. Plan faster and better, use the fleet more efficiently and produce fewer CO2 emissions: Which carrier delivers to which area? Which is the shortest of the possible delivery routes? How much merchandise can a messenger deliver in one working day? These questions point to one of the most mathematically difficult types of problems: Just visiting 20 delivery points, including consideration of other factors such as vehicle types with varying amounts of space, working and opening hours, traffic conditions, possible stops for reloading, yields more possibilities than a human can calculate through in a lifetime of work. AI-powered computer-calculated mathematical optimization helps to make complex decisions and make purposeful trade-offs. To build an adequate and efficient route optimization, the quality and timeliness of the data in each use case is essential. Understanding the data situation as well as the logistical processes and procedures on site, in the shipping department and at the customer's site have top priority. Our optimization approach is based on the use of mathematical algorithms for the inclusion of individual and industry-specific requirements, thus ensuring the networking and condensation of all truly relevant data in the planning context.
Create transparency

Do you also face these challenges?

  • You constantly have to juggle between availability of transport capacity, employees and schedules
  • High cost pressure complicates your work
  • Added to this is high pressure to make decisions at short notice 

Create transparency

Make all information available in a transparent, quality-assured and comprehensible way - and thus make well-founded decisions.

  • Bring your data from all systems (e.g. orders, delivery bills, capacities, vehicle fleet, personnel, digital tacho) into a central data pool.
  • Prepare your data so that it is constantly available for decision making 
  • If necessary, use further mathematical methods, e.g. forecasting, prognosis, optimization, to make decisions (partially) automatically 
Learn more about transparency in the industry:
"The right objects must be available to customers in the right quantity at the right time with the right information at the right cost in the right place with the right quality." - this guiding principle shows the continuous pressure to make decisions between sometimes conflicting framework parameters. Only through the transparent, quality-assured, comprehensible provision of all information in a central location can decision-making be fact-based. Via technologies such as data integration and a central data pool, the first goal is achieved: centralizing the information and putting it into a form that is suitable for decision-making in the first place. Initially, this may continue to be done manually, but this lays the foundation for further intelligent support: Using mathematical methods, e.g., the automatic determination of dependencies, forecasts and optimization, decisions can be made faster and better.
Erfolgreiches Supply Chain Management in Produktion, Transport & Logistik

Successful supply chain management in production, transport & logistics

X-INTEGRATE provides mathematical optimization for production and network optimization, preventing bottlenecks in the supply chain.
Effektives E-Mobilität-Business mit neuer Technologieplattform

Effective e-mobility business with new technology platform

Charge the e-car and drive on? X-INTEGRATE has developed a technology platform for this purpose, through which it also ensures high data quality.
Automatisierter Bedarfsanforderungsprozess sorgt für Transparenz und Schnelligkeit

Automated requisition process ensures transparency and speed

Using IBM BAW as a platform for business process management, the requisition process was optimized. Further business processes are being planned.

A selection of our customers:

We are here for you.

Consulting for logistics and transport companies with interdisciplinary analysis and optimization approaches as the key to success.

We know the challenges...

Digital and transparent data as well as automated and flexible processes within the supply chain are assets more than ever. Responsible parties must be kept up to date on what is happening at all times. Stakeholders and decision-makers must also be able to analyze data quickly at any time in order to respond to changes, challenges and opportunities in today's volatile market.  

... and find the right IT solutions!

Only by analyzing and optimizing data as well as process flows throughout the supply chain is it possible to identify efficiencies and improve productivity.

The insights gained also provide insights into the strengths or weaknesses of various departments, facilities, workflows, and committed inputs/outputs within the supply chain. Thus, solving acute challenges is predominantly about analytically diving into the details comprehensively, finding the problems and dependencies of involved entities, and identifying actionable solutions.  

Holistic consulting

We coach, advise and support you in the planning as well as in the project implementation to suitable solutions.

Years of expertise

We have cross-manufacturer and cross-industry expertise along the entire supply chain. We will be happy to work out possible options for action and recommendations for you in the first step on the basis of a joint inventory or a proof-of-value.

Best practice

Our methodological approach model is mathematical-analytical in nature, equally at ease with support within your strategic 4.0 transformation, as well as dedicated point solution/optimization initiatives.

Feel free to contact us directly!

Marc Bastien
Software Architect TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH
Gerrit Thiemann
Junior Account Manager TIMETOACT GROUP

Or contact us here!

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you in a non-binding meeting on the right solutions for you in the transport and logistics industry. Just leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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We use the information you send to us only to contact you in context of your request. For this purpose, we store your data in our CRM for up to 6 months. You can find all further information in our Privacy Policy.

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Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Headerbild für lokale Entwicklerressourcen in Deutschland

On-site digitization partner for insurance companies

We find the optimal IT solution for insurance companies! ► Everything from a single source ✓ Personally on site ✓ Arrange a personal exchange now.


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.

Branche 2/20/25


Insurance companies live by making a promise to people - and that promise is security.


Proof-of-Value Workshop

Today's businesses need data integration solutions that offer open, reusable standards and a complete, innovative portfolio of data capabilities. Apply for one of our free workshops!



IT and digitalisation are too often seen in Germany as pure cost drivers, without taking into account the revenue opportunities and potentials. We know the challenges in the healthcare sector and help you find the best IT solutions.

Headerbild zu Digitale Transformation bei Versicherern

Mastering digital transformation in insurance

Digital transformation is the transformation of the corporate world through new technologies and the Internet ► Learn how insurers can master this.

Headerbild zu Intelligente Dokumentenverarbeitung / Intelligent Document Processing
Service 8/11/21

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) involves the capture, recognition and classification of business documents and data from unstructured and semi-structured texts.

Technologie Übersicht

Consulting for IBM products

IBM Software & Consulting with passion and experience – you can rely on us. Services relating to IBM Software Solutions have always been an integral part of our offer.

Headbilder zu innovativem Schadenmanagement für Versicherungen

Effective claims management for insurers

Insurers have the challenge of helping people quickly and reliably in the event of a claim. At the same time, they have to keep the costs of claims and benefits management low so that insurance premiums remain affordable.

Headerbild zu Smart Insurance Workflows

Smart Insurance Workflows

Using a design thinking approach, we orient workflows to the customer experience and design customer-centric end-to-end processes.


Digitization of the energy industry

The energy sector is undergoing an unstoppable process of change. Progressive digitization and the energy transition are causing traditional system and process boundaries to disappear.


Digitalization and optimization in the manufacturing industr

The TIMETOACT GROUP is a leading provider of solutions for the manufacturing industry.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance
Service 7/5/21

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture


TIMETOACT GROUP acquires Atlassian Partner catworkx

The acquisition is in line with the expansion of the consulting portfolio of TIMETOACT GROUP to become the leading Atlassian partner in the German-speaking region. The partnership between the two groups, which has already existed for some time, will now be merged and expanded under the umbrella of the TIMETOACT GROUP.

Headerbild zu Cloud bei Versicherungen

Paths to the cloud for insurers

Cloud ist die Blaupause für eine moderne Nutzung von IT-Ressourcen. Doch traditionell scheuen viele Versicherer den Weg in die Cloud. Befürchtet werden Kontrollverlust oder fehlende Sicherheit für vertrauliche Daten. Doch all dies sind Themen, die technisch und organisatorisch gelöst sind. Es überwiegen die Vorzüge einer flexiblen und kostengünstigen Architektur.

Headerbild zur automatischen Handschrifterkennung bei Versicherern

Automatic handwriting recognition for insurers

The recognition of handwriting works "out of the box". In addition, we support our customers in further document classification and extraction of specialized data so that it can be processed automatically.

Headerbild zu Digitalem Ökosystem

Fit for the digital ecosystem

Insurers are digitally networking with their ecosystem to gain critical capabilities in a division of labor. Personal data, object data are securely exchanged via common digital interfaces.

Technologie 1/7/22

Advice around Mendix

Develop your solutions quickly and independently in low-code with the leading technology vendor. Use the Mendix toolkit and model your applications with visual elements.