TIMETOACT GROUP secures future growth through strategic investment by H.I.G. Capital

Cologne/Munich/London, 3 March 2025 – TIMETOACT GROUP, a leading IT services provider is pleased to announce H.I.G. Capital’s strategic investment, taking over from Equistone Partners Europe.

TIMETOACT GROUP, headquartered in Cologne, is a leading IT services provider, specializing in cloud platforms and digital solutions for enterprise, Fortune 1000, and public sector clients. The company drives digital innovation and operational excellence by advising on IT strategy, accelerating cloud transformation, and leveraging AI, data, software, and system engineering to develop cutting-edge solutions.

Since mid-2021, TIMETOACT GROUP has successfully completed eleven add-on transactions as part of a buy-and-build strategy focused primarily on building out its service offering, consolidating its position in the DACH region and expanding into the USA and selected European markets. In addition, TIMETOACT GROUP, supported by Equistone, has implemented several operational changes, including the consolidation of all IT systems across the group, the implementation of dedicated M&A and operational excellence teams, as well as a robust post-merger integration process.

TIMETOACT GROUP’s leadership team will substantially reinvest alongside H.I.G. and continue to steer the Company, ensuring continuity in client relationships and strategic execution. H.I.G. will leverage its global network and deep expertise in IT services and technology to support TIMETOACT GROUP’s long-term growth and expansion.

Felix Binsack

TIMETOACT GROUP has had tremendous success, growing revenues and earnings more than threefold in just 3.5 years – thanks to Equistone’s outstanding support and financial backing. H.I.G. Capital has intensively analyzed our business, company culture and design principles. H.I.G. and the TIMETOACT GROUP management team are fully aligned and committed to our organic and Mergers and Acquisitions growth strategy. We are excited about the opportunities that HIG’s experience and broad network offer us.

Felix Binsack Founder and co-managing director TIMETOACT GROUP.

We had a wonderful partnership with Equistone’s team who supported us until it became time to hand over to the next financial sponsor. In an intensive and competitive process, we found our ideal partner in H.I.G. Capital to support our future growth plans. Equally important, we were able to establish a trusting partnership with the H.I.G. team from London and are looking forward to working with Nishant Nayyar, Paolo Pardey, and Justus Loick.

Frank Fuchs Co-managing director TIMETOACT GROUP

Moritz Treude, Partner at Equistone, says: “TIMETOACT GROUP’s impressive growth over the past three years has been founded on an ambitious growth strategy that we have executed in close partnership with an exceptional management team. The eleven add-on acquisitions Equistone has supported, alongside the operational changes we have helped implement, mean the business is well-positioned for future growth.”

Nishant Nayyar, Managing Director at H.I.G., added, “We have been very impressed with TIMETOACT’s strong growth trajectory, deep expertise in high-growth technology ecosystems, and unwavering commitment to innovation. We look forward to partnering with Felix, Hermann, and Frank to accelerate the next phase of the Company’s expansion.”

The transaction remains subject to approval by the relevant competition authorities. The parties agreed not to disclose the details of the transaction.

Frank Fuchs, Nina Bahnmüller, Christian Koch, Konstanze Feistl, and the whole central services team are responsible for the transaction on the part of TIMETOACT GROUP. TIMETOACT GROUP’s shareholders were advised on the transaction by Lincoln International, Deloitte, Latham & Watkins, P+P Pöllath + Partners, Blättchen & Partner, McDermott Will & Emery, EY, and Boston Consulting Group.




TIMETOACT GROUP is a leading IT services provider, specializing in cloud platforms and digital solutions for enterprise, Fortune 1000, and public sector clients. The company drives digital innovation and operational excellence by advising on IT strategy, accelerating cloud transformation, and leveraging AI, data, software, and system engineering to develop cutting-edge solutions. As a strategic partner of AWS, Atlassian, Google, Microsoft, IBM, and SAP, TIMETOACT GROUP helps customers maximize the value of their cloud platforms. For innovative customers, TIMETOACT GROUP designs and implements digital business models to unlock new market opportunities. Additionally, it operates and continuously optimizes cloud platforms and digital solutions to ensure long-term success. TIMETOACT GROUP employs a team of more than 1,400 professionals across 22 cities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as service hubs in Central Europe and Southeast Asia and subsidiaries in Spain and the USA and generated over 360 Mio. EUR of revenues in 2024.

For more information, visit https://timetoact-group.com/

About H.I.G. Capital

H.I.G. is a leading global alternative investment firm with $67 billion of capital under management. Based in Miami, and with offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco in the United States, as well as international affiliate offices in Hamburg, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Dubai, and Hong Kong, H.I.G. specializes in providing both debt and equity capital to middle market companies, utilizing a flexible and operationally focused/value-added approach. Since its founding in 1993, H.I.G. has invested in and managed more than 400 companies worldwide. The Firm's current portfolio includes more than 100 companies with combined sales in excess of $53 billion.

For more information, please refer to the H.I.G. website at hig.com
*Based on total capital raised by H.I.G. Capital and affiliates.

About Equistone Partners Europe

Equistone Partners Europe is an independent investment firm wholly owned and managed by its executives. Our experienced investment professionals operate from seven offices across Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France and the UK. The Equistone funds primarily invest in established mid-sized businesses with favorable market positions, above-average growth potential and enterprise values of between EUR 50 and EUR 500 million. Since the firm’s first Fund in 2002, equity has been invested in more than 180 transactions. Equistone Partners Europe Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Further information can be found at www.equistonepe.com.

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Event Archive

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