As an IBM Platinum Business Partner, we have held the highest partner status with IBM for years. Our employees are professionals with numerous Domino, MQ-Series and WebSphere, as well as Hybrid Data Management, Business Analytics, AI and Cloud Pak certifications.

Consulting regarding IBM products

IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT)

Cloud Pak for Data – Test-Drive

IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

IBM with passion and experience – you can rely on us. Services regarding IBM Software Solutions have always been an integral part of our offer. We are one of the few IBM Business Partners in Germany where you will find practical experience on the entire portfolio of the IBM Software Solutions Group as well as Websphere and selected middleware topics.
Fields of application
Here we rely on products from IBM:
Working in the cloud
Analytics & Statistic
Data Management
A selection of our customer projects
We have used IBM solutions in numerous customer projects. Read the reference stories here:
IBM Cloud Pak
AI-based software solutions for Hybrid Cloud to implement intelligent workflows in the enterprise and accelerate digital transformation.
Driven by the acquisition of RedHat and the awareness that the consistent use of AI in all processes in the company can create value, IBM has developed various Cloud Paks for different use cases. All Cloud Paks are united by the platform and architecture.
Developed on OpenShift, all Cloud Paks can be operated in many Clouds: The private Cloud in the company or as a managed Cloud at IBM, Microsoft, AWS, Google and possibly other providers. IBM also offers a large part of the functions in the various Cloud Paks "as-a-service".
We offer know-how and expertise for the following Cloud Paks:
Data & Artificial Intelligence
The structured, traceable collection and organization of data in the Data Warehouse or Data Lake is the basis for secure, value-creating analysis of information.
Acquisition or data integration, storage, documentation in data catalogs and the creation of standard reports, analyses, statistics as well as the consistent integration of AI are our core competence. We provide our customers with the information that helps to bring transparency to existing business areas, to gain new insights or to open new business areas through digitalization. Solutions from the IBM product portfolio help us and our customers along the complete process of Data & AI.
Our know-how and expertise around Analytics & Statistics
Our know-how and expertise around data management
IBM Watson
With Watson, IBM titles its portfolio of solutions, applications and tools that deliver added value through or with AI. On the one hand, AI complements classic tools and makes them more intuitive and intelligent, or enables completely new applications at reasonable costs. A significant part of this new application comprises solutions for business automation, including understanding and analyzing documents using AI and providing cognitive assistants.
We offer know-how and expertise for IBM Watson:
IBM Spectrum Protect provides comprehensive data resilience for physical file servers, virtual environments and a wide range of applications. With the leading data protection solution from the American industry leader IBM, you keep your data volumes to be transferred small, which leads to fast backup results and efficient scaling, even in very large IT environments.
Conact us now!
We would be happy to advise you in a non-binding meeting and show you the potential and possible uses of IBM products for your company. Simply leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.