Data Strategy & Artificial Intelligence

Data is the new oil. Are you drilling in the right place?

Every company collects and manages vast amounts of data, e.g. from production processes or business transactions. Yet, even today only a fraction of this data is used effectively to support control and decision-making processes. There are many reasons for this: some companies lack binding data governance or are only just implementing the technologies required for data analysis. Others are struggling to formulate a clear data strategy.

Data Strategy

Avoid data chaos!

Data is essential for digital transformation. This basic idea drives many companies to collect data - but unfortunately far too often without a clear objective. In the end, the surprise is great when the insights or improvements gained fall far short of the goals set. In the worst case, they rely on outdated, incomplete or incorrect data and the money invested in the digital transformation is gone.

  • A clear data strategy is needed to leverage a company's wealth of data and achieve the expected impetus for product innovation, customer orientation and process automation. As a cross-divisional concept, a data strategy defines the organizational and technological capabilities that a company needs to bring about the desired improvements. Otherwise, data chaos is inevitable.

Artificial Intelligence

Who in your industry will be the first to exploit the potential of AI

Everyone is talking about generative AI such as ChatGPT or Bard. But in all the euphoria, it is easy to forget to ask why such solutions make sense. How can a company invest in AI to help speed up product development, improve the customer experience, automate processes or effectively reduce costs? And which company in your industry has already improved its own profitability with AI? What were the prerequisites for success? These and similar questions are sure to be on your mind.

  • Our experts provide you with insights and good practices for the effective and efficient use of data. They will help you to classify the development trends in the field of AI and identify suitable areas of application for your company. Using examples from numerous projects, we will show you how other companies use AI processes, cognitive computing, data mining, neural networks or predictive analytics for themselves, how they use them to process their wealth of data in depth and develop an understanding of their data.

Our strategic consulting offers for your Data Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

Data Governance

Ideation & Discovery Workshop: “Critical Components of Successful Data Governance”

Our joint approach:

In today's complex business world, there are few elements as critical to an organization's success as data. At every level of the organization, the ability to access, manage, analyze and make decisions based on data is paramount. And yet, many organizations do not currently have a data governance program in place. A recent analysis by Dataversity found that only just over 10% of companies surveyed have fully implemented programs.

  • In our Ideation & Discovery Workshop, we will show you how you can benefit from data governance. Depending on your specific challenges, we will develop a data governance target picture that is right for you.

Your benefits:

  1. Framework conditions for effective data governance - data architecture, data quality, data management, data security, data compliance
  2. Realizable target image for data governance
  3. Quick check of the effectiveness of existing guidelines and controls in the context of data governance
  4. Good practices, concrete use cases and benchmarks as a guide for the introduction of effective data governance
Data Excellence

Assessment: Data management - Maturity level

Our joint approach:

Every company generates data - but not every company manages this data effectively. When data management maturity is low, there are many challenges. But once companies overcome these challenges, there is an opportunity to create tremendous value with data.

  • Based on a data excellence approach, we evaluate the maturity level of your data management together. As part of this, we record the established standards, processes and technologies, available personnel capacities and defined data management services.

Your benefit:

  1. Objective maturity level of your data management
  2. Risk assessment for identified deficits
  3. Opportunity assessment for the successful implementation of data excellence requirements
  4. Specific recommendations for action to optimize your data management in order to achieve the desired level of maturity
  5. Guidance to concretize your data strategy
Data Risk

Assessment: DSGVO / GDPR and data governance maturity level

Our joint approach:

With digitalization, the volume of processed data in companies is increasing significantly. How can you demonstrate your GDPR compliance and improve the maturity of your data protection environment in this dynamic environment?

  • With our GDPR and data governance assessment, we determine how you can best handle data protection requirements in your company.

Your benefit:

  1. Assessment of the implementation of the principles for effective data protection management in your data governance in accordance with legal requirements
  2. Specific recommendations for additional processes, technologies or control measures to increase the maturity level of your data protection environment
  3. Structured preparation for a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Artificial Intelligence

Assessment: Artificial Intelligence – Inventory and maturity level

Our joint approach:

Our project experience shows that companies need to master a number of key skills in the right combination to achieve AI maturity. On the one hand, fundamental skills are required, for example in cloud platforms and tools, data platforms, architecture and governance. Secondly, unique selling points such as a clear AI strategy, management support and a culture of innovation are required.

  • With our AI maturity analysis, we determine your basic readiness for the use of AI. We also assess how suitable the measures implemented to date are for achieving the goals defined for AI.

Your benefit:

  1. Orientation aid for deriving or concretizing your AI strategy
  2. AI maturity level of your company - preliminary stage / development / innovation / transformation
  3. Specific recommendations for action for the further planning of AI projects

Is your company "data-driven"?

Our experts will help you define a targeted data strategy to identify the data relevant to your company and use it as profitably as possible in line with your strategic business objectives.

We work with you to develop the necessary measures required for the effective use of data within your company, from establishing guidelines, defining processes and introducing technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Jan Hachenberger
Director Strategy Consulting TIMETOACT GROUP

Get in touch with us here!

We would be happy to advise you on your data strategy & artificial intelligence concept in a non-binding meeting. Simply leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Schild als Symbol für innere und äußere Sicherheit

Internal and external security

Defense forces and police must protect citizens and the state from ever new threats. Modern IT & software solutions support them in this task.

Headerbild Data Insights

Data Insights

With Data Insights, we help you step by step with the appropriate architecture to use new technologies and develop a data-driven corporate culture

Technologie Übersicht

Consulting for IBM products

IBM Software & Consulting with passion and experience – you can rely on us. Services relating to IBM Software Solutions have always been an integral part of our offer.

Headerbild für lokale Entwicklerressourcen in Deutschland

On-site digitization partner for insurance companies

As TIMETOACT GROUP, we are one of the leading digitization partners for IT solutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As your partner, we are there for you at 17 locations and will find the right solution on the path to digitization - gladly together in a personal exchange on site.

Articifial Intelligence & Data Science

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Data Science is all about extracting valuable information from structured and unstructured data.


Proof-of-Value Workshop

Today's businesses need data integration solutions that offer open, reusable standards and a complete, innovative portfolio of data capabilities. Apply for one of our free workshops!


Digital transformation in public administration

The digital transformation will massively change the world of work, especially in public administration. We support federal, state and local authorities in the strategic and technical implementation of their administrative modernisation projects.

Headerbild zu Digitale Transformation bei Versicherern

Mastering digital transformation in insurance

Versicherer haben daher bereits die Chancen und Notwendigkeiten der Digitalisierung größtenteils erkannt. Trotzdem ist noch viel zu tun, denn Digitalisierung funktioniert nicht von einem Tag auf den anderen – besonders bei Versicherungen, bei denen es viele altmodische und langsame Prozesse gibt.

Headbilder zu innovativem Schadenmanagement für Versicherungen

Effective claims management for insurers

Insurers have the challenge of helping people quickly and reliably in the event of a claim. At the same time, they have to keep the costs of claims and benefits management low so that insurance premiums remain affordable.

Headerbild zur Logistik- und Transportbranche

AI & Digitization for the Transportation and Logistics Indus

Digitalisierung und Transparenz der Prozesse sowie automatisierte Unterstützung bei der Optimierung können Logistikunternehmen helfen, den Spagat zwischen Kosten und Leistung besser zu bewältigen, um langfristig als wertvoller Partner der Wirtschaft zu agieren.

Kompetenz 7/18/23

Digital Strategy & IT Strategy

Support your business goals in the best possible way ►Digital strategy & IT strategy ✅ We will be happy to advise you.


Sourcing Strategy, Spend Management & Compliance

The right service providers + Costs under control + Ensure vendor compliance ► Together we develop the right strategy


Green IT: Your Status Quo Assessment for Sustainable IT

Sustainability in IT means using resources efficiently, reducing energy consumption, maximizing the lifespan of devices, and minimizing environmental impact at the end of their lifecycle. These actions help improve a company's carbon footprint, minimize compliance risks, and reduce costs in the long run.

Navigationsbild zu Data Science

AI & Data Science

We offer comprehensive solutions in the fields of data science, machine learning and AI that are tailored to your specific challenges and goals.


Digitalization and optimization in the manufacturing industr

The TIMETOACT GROUP is a leading provider of solutions for the manufacturing industry. We are proud to offer our customers innovative technologies and services that optimize their manufacturing processes and increase their competitiveness.

Analytics und Business Intelligence

Analytics & Business Intelligence

Analytics & Business Intelligence has become increasingly important in recent years.


Governance & Operational Excellence

Digitalization inevitably leads to business processes changing and roles and responsibilities being redistributed. At the same time, new legal requirements, regulations and standards need to be met.


Business Innovation & Digital Transformation

The Pressure to increase efficiency and reduce costs is increasing ► Are you familiar with this? Exploit the potential of digitalization



IT and digitalisation are too often seen in Germany as pure cost drivers, without taking into account the revenue opportunities and potentials. We know the challenges in the healthcare sector and help you find the best IT solutions.

Headerbild zur AI Factory for Insurance
Service 7/5/21

AI Factory for Insurance

The AI Factory for Insurance is an innovative organisational model combined with a flexible, modular IT architecture. It is an innovation and implementation factory to systematically develop, train and deploy AI models in digital business processes.